Most Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck so if you are, you’re in good company. Some studies report as many as 75% of Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck. The majority of people cannot deal with a $400 emergency expense without borrowing money. What’s worse is that according to, less than 30% of Americans has at least six months of living expenses saved. All these facts are to let you know that you’re not alone.
While most people live paycheck-to-paycheck, it doesn’t have to be that way. You can break the cycle once you identify the problem, set a budget, and learn how to spend less. It’s all about living within your means, while also identifying the things that will make your life a little bit easier and happier without a significant financial impact.
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The very first thing to do to fix the problem is to identify...
I'll be honest. As you begin to establish new financial habits, staying on track financially will feel hard at first. However, if your goals are important enough and you believe that you can stick to a budget, saving money, and living the way you want and need to live, you’ll be able to do it, and it’ll feel great — even fun.
The most important thing to remember about staying on track is to start with realistic financial resolutions. After all, you cannot live in a mansion if you don’t make that kind of money. Even if your goals are modest due to a modest income, if you set your financial resolutions realistically then you can still reach them.
Late payment fees can add up very quickly and throw you off course. When you pay even one bill late, the interest rate on your other debt...
No matter where you live, it's easy to get stuck in a rut during the winter months. Your family may50 Free Family Activities to do this Winter be tired of doing the same things over every single winter. You can break out of the bore and start having fun all without spending a dime!
There are so many benefits to creating a household budget. From having a handle on your finances to always knowing what kind of spending abilities you have, you’ll quickly find that a budget can make your life easier. While it may seem like a lot of work when you’re setting it up, they are worth it! Are you thinking of creating a budget for 2020? Here’s how to do it!
The hardest part of creating your household budget is setting a framework for the budget. By doing this, you’ll always have a template that you can fill in. Many people choose to use a spreadsheet to keep track of their income and expenses while others prefer the more traditional approach of using a notebook or calendar. No matter which method you prefer, you can get prepared to fill in your budget with specifics by setting up a solid template.
As your making your budget, consider the future. You’ll likely...
Looking for staycation ideas for your family? Even though most people think of summer break as the best time to have fun with friends and family, winter break can still be a great time to bond and enjoy your time together. With lower prices on fun activities and the kids home from school, it’s the perfect time to have a winter staycation!
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Look through some cookbooks and create a grocery list together. Head to the score to get everything you need and then let the kids do most of the work preparing the meal. You can also get your friends involved! Having a party with all your besties is a great way to connect and get out of the slump that can sometimes happen during the winter break.
With snowy roads and freezing temps, you don't have to go anywhere to have a fun time while you're on your...
With the kids home from school and plenty of fun things to do throughout the season, it’s challenging to stick to a budget during the winter vacation. Armed with the right tips, you can help yourself save money by staying on budget during the winter vacation!
Winter vacation is not only expensive, but it can also be draining emotionally and mentally. It’s important to stay engaged and continue enriching your life no matter how low the temperatures dip!
Many places have free activities you can do during the winter months. From driving around looking at Christmas lights to participating in a Polar Plunge, you can try so many fun activities that are winter-friendly. Get your kids involved in free activities and keep them happy throughout the entire (YES!) winter vacation!
To find free activities that will help you stick to your budget, check community social media pages, bulletin boards, and even...
I always found it hard to buy gifts for my grandfather. The fact is that he never wanted a lot of stuff and everything he did really want, he had. Still, I always tried to find him thoughtful gifts over the years - a card that would make him laugh, a favorite candy, etc. My grandfather passed away a year ago but we were just reminiscing about him recently. He was excellent on the grill so I've included some grilling gifts in his honor. He also loved to fish when he was younger so I've included some fishing-related items as well. May he rest in peace and may you treasure the time you have with your grandfather.
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Grandfathers can be hard to shop for. Here's a list of gifts that are all available on Amazon and are all under $25 so you can easily cross Grandpa off your list. Simply click on the picture and you'll be taken right to the product on...
I have been a huge fan of Disney animated films for as long as I can remember, so I always welcome the opportunity to take my kids to see the latest release. Besides, Disney movies are often chockfull of life lessons and great conversation starters, and the new Frozen sequel is no different. From female empowerment to transformative change to emotional expression, the film hits on a lot of big topics. Many of which can be applied as financial lessons.
Spoiler alert: If you have not seen Frozen 2 yet, you may want to hold off on reading this until after you have.
In the movie, Elsa and Anna believed that their grandfather's gift of a dam for the Northuldra people was a peace offering. However, they later learned that their grandfather actually built the dam, knowing that it would harm the tribe’s lands. The...
My mom and I are super close, and I would love to spend tons of money on her. Unfortunately, it's not in the budget. Besides, she would consider it a waste of money. I still always want her to know that I'm thinking about her and that I deeply appreciate all that she does to support our family.
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Related post: Affordable Gift Ideas for Grandpas
Here are a variety of different gift ideas for grandmas. All are under $25, and all can be found on Amazon by clicking on the photo of the item.
The one pictured below has space for you to scrapbook for each month of the year. Get your kids involved and create a masterpiece their grandmother will love. Of course, you could always get a digital printed if you don't want to create your own.
Help your kids fill in this book and have an absolutely precious keepsake for Grandma.
Even though the turkey is the main dish for Thanksgiving, many people enjoy dinner just for the sides and desserts. When you need something sweet for after the big meal, try one of these cheap and easy last minute Thanksgiving desserts!
Are you hosting Thanksgiving this year? Don’t miss these tips for hosting it on a budget!
While you can go with a traditional pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving, you might want to switch it up a bit this year! Try a super easy pumpkin cheesecake! This recipe is much easier than a finicky pumpkin pie recipe and gives you a flavorful and rich dessert. If you’re hoping to stretch your ingredients, this cheesecake is it!
You can’t get much easier than a dump cake and with only a few ingredients, this cherry dump cake is a crowd-pleaser and so easy to put together. While the cake is easy enough to make while you’re whipping up your turkey and sides, it tastes even better...